Our Style Guide
Brand and visual identity are just as integral to the JCECHS experience as is teaching. Brand symbols play a crucial role in promoting the campus, building life-long affinity among our students and alumni, and uniting the entire campus community. Crafted with these goals in mind, the following Brand Identity & Style Guide not only helps shape the campus’ reputation, but also protects it.
Jimmy Carter Early College High School is the official name of the campus.
Jimmy Carter Early College High School should always be used as the first reference in all formal communications. Second references will be abbreviated as Carter or JCECHS (preferred because the acronym reinforces the web address: jcechs.lajoyaisd.com).
The official mascot nomenclature is RedWolves, capital “R” and “W” in a singular reference. The singular RedWolf must be avoided. In instances where the singular must be used, Carter should be used as a substitute (i.e., Carter sophomore Jane Doe).
Preferred social media hashtags: #CarterPride #GoRedWolves

The Primary Academic Logo for Jimmy Carter Early College High School is the Red Wolf mascot flanked by the official red and gold collegiate “Jimmy Carter” font. The Primary Academic Logo is intended for official school use.

The Red & Gold Collegiate “Jimmy Carter” Font Logo has a multipurpose use, from official school usage, to graphic design, to social media posts, to campus clubs and organizations usage.

The RedWolves Spirit Logo is intended for internal school use for Jimmy Carter clubs and organizations. Campus organizations can use the RedWolves Spirit Logo as a supplement or primary icon for the organization’s logo and identity. The color and design of the RedWolves Spirit Logo cannot be modified and can only be used by school-sanctioned organizations.

The Red Carter Founding Logo is intended to be Jimmy Carter’s preeminent graphic media design. Jimmy Carter’s official social media pages and campus web page use the Red Carter Founding Logo to represent Jimmy Carter to the community at large.

The White Carter Founding Logo is intended to be Jimmy Carter’s secondary graphic media design. Jimmy Carter’s official social media pages and campus web page use the White Carter Founding Logo to represent Jimmy Carter to the community at large. The White Carter Founding Logo is an alternative for when white works better as a color palette for graphic media designs.

HEX: #ca0001
RGB: 202,0,1,255
HEX: #c0ab51
RGB: 192, 171, 81
RGB: 255, 255, 255